Based on Article 11. Act on Institutions (“Official Gazette”, No. 76/93, 29/97, 47/99, 35/08 and 127/19), Article 5 of the Law on Institutions (“Official Gazette”, No. 76/93, 29/97, 47/99, 35/08 and 127/19), Article 5. paragraph1 Regulations on work of 03.10.2022., Article 11. item 1. Statute of the Institution “Dalmatian Energy Agency”- DEA, and Article 3. Ordinance on internal organization and systematization of workplaces of the Institution “Dalmatian Energy Agency”- DEA, director of the Institution announces
Clerk – Administrative worker (m/f), 1 executor for an indefinite period of time with mandatory trial work lasting 6 (six) months, full-time. Job description:
– Performs all administrative and technical tasks of the Institution, – Performs all administrative tasks for the director’s needs (reception of parties, telephone messages, e-mail messages, etc.), – Performs transcription tasks, tasks of receiving, reviewing, sorting, scheduling, entering and submitting to work mail and administrative technical processing and dispatch of mail, – Provides support to employees in their daily work with administrative logistics, – Dispatches and archives documents, – Performs tasks of keeping records of working hours, transcripts and control of the use of official vehicles,
– Prepares protocol events,
– Participates in the planning of the meetings of the bodies of the DEA Institution and in the preparation of working materials for them,
– He takes care of the quality and timely implementation of the acts of the bodies of the DEA Institution
– Performs other tasks within the competence of the Institution at the behest of the director and superiors. Conditions:
– High school diploma in economics, administration or other appropriate profession,
– At least 1 year of work experience in appropriate positions,
– Knowledge of computer work.
Under equal conditions, persons of both sexes may apply for the Public Tender (Article 13, paragraph 2 of the Gender Equality Act, “Official Gazette”, No. 82/08, 69/17).
All terms used in the text, which have a gender meaning, regardless of whether they are used in the masculine or feminine gender, encompass in the same way both the masculine and feminine gender.
Along with the handwritten written application, candidates are required to attach:
– CV with an emphasis on professional experience, – proof of fulfilling the requirements of the level of education and profession (copy of diploma), – proof of work experience (electronic record or confirmation of data recorded in the database of the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, which must contain data on: employer, basis of insurance, start and end of insurance, working hours, actual and required professional training and duration of insurance experience), – proof of required work experience in the profession of at least 1 (one) year, (certificate from previous employers of type of work and duration of employment, a copy of the employment contract, decision, etc., from which it must be visible the work experience achieved in the jobs of the required professional qualification and profession), – proof of citizenship (copy of the residence card or identity card), – a conviction that against the candidate is not subject to criminal proceedings (not older than 3 months from the date of the announcement of this Public Tender), – proof of knowledge of computer work (copy of certificate/verification/certificate on completed IT course or hand-signed statement),
The received application documentation is not returned to the candidates and therefore it is sufficient to enclose uncertified copies of the necessary documents, and before the selection of candidates, the original will be presented.
A person who fails to submit a timely and/or orderly application or who is found not to meet the formal requirements of this Public Tender shall not be considered a candidate submitted to this Public Tender. An orderly application is considered to be an application containing all the information and annexes listed in this Public Tender.
Candidates invoking the right of advantage in employment in accordance with Article 102 of the Code of Civil Procedure paragraphs 1 until 3. Pursuant to Article 103 of the Law on Croatian Homeland War Veterans and Their Family Members (“Official Gazette” No. 121/17, 98/19 and 84/21), they are obliged to invoke this right in the application and enclose all the prescribed documentation from Article 103 of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina. item 1. In accordance with Article 10 of the Law on Croatian Homeland War Veterans and Their Family Members, they have an advantage over other candidates only under equal conditions. A candidate who invokes the right of advantage in employment in accordance with Article 102 of the Code of Civil Procedure. In accordance with Article 10 of the Law on Croatian Homeland War Veterans and Their Family Members, in addition to applying to the Public Tender, he is obliged to enclose, in addition to proof of fulfillment of the required conditions, all the necessary evidence available at the link of the Ministry of Croatian Veterans:
Candidates invoking the right of advantage in employment pursuant to Article 48. paragraphs 1 until 3. Pursuant to Article 49 of the Law on Civilian Victims of the Homeland War (“Official Gazette” no. 84/21), they are obliged to refer to this right in the application to the Public Tender and enclose all the prescribed documentation from Article 49 of the Constitution. item 1. Law on Civilian Victims of the Homeland War, and they have priority over other candidates only under equal conditions. A candidate invoking the right of advantage in employment in accordance with Article 48. To the Law on Civilian Victims of the Homeland War, in addition to applying to the Public Tender, it is obliged to enclose, in addition to the evidence of fulfillment of the required conditions, all the necessary evidence available at the link of the Ministry of Croatian Veterans:
Candidates who exercise the right of advantage in employment under Article 9 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Pursuant to Article 15 of the Act on Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities (“Official Gazette”, No. 157/13, 152/14, 39/18 and 32/20) prove this with an appropriate public document on disability on the basis of which a person can be registered in the register of employed persons with disabilities, and proof from which it is evident how the employment relationship with the last employer ceased (decision, contract, agreement, etc.).
In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (Official Gazette of the European Union L119) and the Act on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (“Official Gazette” No. 42/18), all documents submitted with the application to the Public Tender have been sent freely by the candidate and it is considered that the candidate has given consent for the processing of all data, which will be processed solely for the purpose of conducting the tender procedure.
For candidates submitted to the Public Tender who meet the formal requirements of this Public Tender, a preliminary verification of professional competence skill will be carried out through written testing and interviews. Candidates will be notified via the submitted e-mail addresses about the time of the professional competence check and details related to the further course of the tender procedure.
If the invited candidate does not take the test and/or interview, he or she will be deemed to have withdrawn the application to this Public Tender.
The Institution reserves the right not to make a decision on the selection of candidates and/or annul this Public Tender without a specific explanation.
Written applications for the Public Tender, signed by hand, with evidence of fulfillment of the conditions, are submitted directly or by registered mail to the address: Institution “Dalmatinska energetska agenjesti” – DEA, Vukovarska 1 , 21000 SPLIT, with the indication “Public Tender for the post of Advisor for energy – do not open!”
Candidates will be notified of the results of the election within a maximum of 8 (eight) days from the decision being made.
Director of the DEA
Mario Jakic