It is estimated that by implementing this call, at least 100 filling stations will be installed

The Dalmatian Energy Agency – DEA informs those interested in the public sector that the tender of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund has been announced for the establishment of infrastructure for charging road vehicles powered by electricity in the parking lots of public sector buildings, in accordance with the Act on the Establishment of Infrastructure for Alternative Fuels.

The call for co-financing ensures the implementation of measure TR-7 of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for the Republic of Croatia for the period from 2021. until 2030 “Development of infrastructure for alternative fuels”. The mentioned measure represents an alternative policy measure that will not directly affect the reduction of fuel consumption in traffic, but the development of infrastructure is a necessary prerequisite for the development of the market for vehicles that use electric energy. The long-term goal is the development of a sustainable transport system, with minimal negative effects on the environment and society, and ensuring interoperability with neighboring countries and European Union member states. It is estimated that by implementing this call, at least 100 filling stations will be installed.

State administration bodies and other state bodies, bodies of local or regional (regional) self-government units, and legal entities established for the purpose of carrying out tasks related to the exercise of public powers can apply for this tender, the total available amount of which is EUR 5 million. . The development of the main project will be co-financed (up to 40% of the justified cost of development), installation and works, as well as putting the bottling plant into operation (up to 80% of justified costs in areas of special state care and the first group of islands, up to 60% of justified costs in hilly and mountainous areas and another group of islands, and up to 40% of justified costs of works for locations in other areas) and expert supervision (up to 40% of justified costs of implementation). Submission of applications lasts either until the end of this year or until all funds are used up. Details of the public call are available at THIS link .

The director of the Dalmatian Energy Agency, Mario Jakić, reminded that several important projects aimed at improving the infrastructure of chargers are currently being implemented in Croatia, but the new regulation at the level of the European Union (AFIR) will further help in increasing the number of chargers for electric vehicles. “The reason is that the AFIR regulation sets the so-called nationally binding goals that will prescribe how many European Union member states must set up electricity or hydrogen filling stations for light and heavy vehicles, depending on the number of vehicles in the country. In the case of Croatia, this means that by 2025 have to install from 100 to 200 fast charging stations for electric vehicles, of course depending on their power. If these were charging stations with a power of 50-70 kW, there would have to be about 200 of them. In the case of charging stations with a power of 100 to 150 kW, a smaller number of charging stations will be needed”, explained Jakić. He notes that this is extremely important because in 2027 Croatia will in accordance with legal regulations, have to provide the same power as if three percent of the total number of cars were electric, which means that the number of fast chargers will have to increase to 470, and by 2030 to over 800.

DEA Director Jakić particularly emphasizes the importance of increasing the number of charging stations for electric cars in Split-Dalmatia County, which is visited by a large number of tourists, in order to make it easier for drivers to use them on a daily basis. This, in turn, according to the director of the DEA, would position the County even better on the tourist map of Europe.


Source : Dalmatia Danas

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