Have you already signed up for the public call for encouraging renewable energy sources in family homes?


Posted by: Dalmacija Danas

Author: Branko Galić / Photo: Igor Jakšić

The Split-Dalmatia County adopted at its assembly on 11 of April of this year, the Decision on the establishment of the Dalmatian Energy Agency (DEA), on the proposal of the prefect Blaženko Boban and the initiative of the president of the assembly , Mate Šimundić . The agency is managed by the Administrative Council, which consists of five members, mostly experts in the field of electric power, headed by President Ivica Mikelić str.spec.ing.el.


At the moment, only the director is employed in the Agency B.Sc.Elect. Mario Jakic who acquired practical knowledge in the domain of electrical engineering and telecommunications through many years of work in the real sector. In the interview, he tells us that he is familiar with all the challenges of the market, and that with his knowledge and skills he will help all interested stakeholders in the energy transition to our counties and, in accordance with the needs, in the area of ​​Šibenik – Knin, Dubrovnik – Neretva and Zadar counties, as well as in other parts States.


What is the purpose of establishing the Dalmatian Energy Agency?

– The Agency will inform interested legal and natural persons about the possibilities of co-financing their plans and projects for the use of RES, will prepare and submit project documentation for tenders from ESI funds. For all interested stakeholders, in addition to consulting services and the specific creation of project documentation, they will offer project management services in the field of energy efficiency and related areas.


Our help in finding a model of grant funding from EU funds focuses on:

– introduction of solar energy systems (thermal and photovoltaic) in households;
– increase in energy production and the share of renewable energy sources (RES), primarily solar energy, in total energy consumption, and the consequent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Here we help local and regional self-government units, institutions, cooperatives, trading companies, natural persons (artisans), family farms, private landlords, independent businesses, managers of multi-apartment buildings and other legal entities;
– production investments of small, medium and large enterprises that will result in a more energy and resource efficient economy through increasing the use of renewable energy sources, introducing resource efficiency into the production cycle and product life, and reducing emissions from energy-intensive industries.

In particular, the Agency will assist in the process of obtaining energy approval for the production facilities of solar power plants in our and neighboring counties, taking into account the fact that solar energy is an available and unlimited source of energy. Here we also take into account natural laws that place solar energy ahead of other renewable energy sources, for example wind (which, due to strong oscillations in occurrence and intensity, cannot represent the primary RES option).


Encouraging solar energy while promoting the green transition and creating green skills will have a positive impact on business sustainability, preserving existing and creating new jobs, and strengthening local and regional competitiveness.

How is the financing of the agency conceived?

– The Agency’s funding sources are the Split-Dalmatia County, EU funds, the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency, economic activities and public-private partnerships. In the long term, we plan to focus our funding on EU funds, economic activities and public-private partnerships.

How many employees will the DEA have and what will they do in the Agency?

– In the budget projection for 2023. funds are planned for the employment of a project manager, an energy expert and an expert for EU funds. New employees will be selected through a public tender, and the Agency expects experts profiled in the field of electrical engineering, with practical knowledge of processes and challenges in the economy, and experience in the preparation and implementation of projects co-financed by the EU.


What would be the goals of the agency?

The goals of the Agency are:

– Establishment of an effective management system for spatial resources and owned property
and/or under the authority of the Split-Dalmatia County;
– Creation of strategic documents, plans and programs for managing the green transition;
– Analysis and development of financing models and strategic investments;
– Development of projects in the field of energy efficiency and RES use in public buildings;
– Establishment of a center for the development of strategic projects in cooperation with investors, entrepreneurs and
– Establishment of an informative and educational center for citizens and small entrepreneurs;
– Development of services in the field of green transition – consulting, designing, preparation and implementation of EU projects.


What all sources of energy do we use in the county, how much in percentages, what about self-sufficiency in energy production and also, do we produce excess energy?

– The DEA Action Plan analyzed energy consumption in the Split-Dalmatia County for the service, household and transport sectors. An analysis of energy consumption in the building sector was carried out based on data from the ISGE database. For those facilities for which data on the consumption of energy sources (fuel oil, pellets or briquettes) were not available, the same was carried out with additionally obtained data. An analysis of energy consumption in traffic was also carried out considering road traffic in the area of Split-Dalmatia County by modeling according to the structure of registered vehicles in the County.

In the three-year planning period, the Split-Dalmatia County plans to implement 22 measures to increase energy efficiency. If all the proposed measures are implemented, the total annual savings amount to 4,477.31 MWh, with an expected annual CO2 reduction of 1,188.04 tCO2. Total investments for all proposed measures amount to HRK 152,219,130. Looking at the measures across sectors, the service sector is the most represented with 14 measures, while 4 measures are planned for the household sector and 4 measures for the transport sector.

In the service sector, it is planned to encourage the integral renovation of schools and health centers, as well as the preparation of the necessary project documentation. The Split-Dalmatia County also plans to help cities and municipalities with the reconstruction of public lighting. In the household sector, it is proposed to encourage the use of renewable energy sources in family homes and the use of heat pumps, as well as the implementation of informative and educational campaigns on energy efficiency.

How much funds could DEA withdraw, directly and indirectly from EU funds and green and digital transition policy?

– Within the framework of the partnership agreement with the European Commission, Croatia will receive a total of EUR 9 billion of cohesion policy funds for the period from 2021. until 2027 in order to promote the economic, social and territorial cohesion of its regions and the green and digital transition.

The first calls within the multiannual financial framework for the period from 2021. until 2027 are expected by the end of this year, and applications will start in early 2023. year, due to adjustment to Croatia’s entry into the Eurozone. Funds from the new envelope can be used until 2030. years.

The priority of the new Competitiveness and Cohesion Program, where the Agency has its sphere of action, is the promotion of energy efficiency of renewable energy sources, adaptation to climate change, environmental protection and sustainability of resources, for which a total of 2.1 billion euros is foreseen in the financial envelope. In addition, the Agency will work to strengthen digital connectivity, which implies continued investment in broadband aggregation networks (broadband Internet access), for which EUR 51.8 million has been allocated. More information can be found on our website: www.dea-sdz.hr

Those interested can already take a look at two recently published public calls of the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency (FZOEU), namely the Public Call for encouraging renewable energy sources in family homes (EnU-2/22) and the Public Call for co-financing project documentation for the installation of photovoltaic power plants in the water services sector (EnU-8/22)